My Best Self

I’ve decided to stop trying to be my best self.

By the end of 2021, I’d realised I’d spent so much time working on being my best self. Trying to grow and develop. I was listening to podcasts, unblocking shadows, digging deep into traumas...

And while I needed to go through that, I’d reached a point where I had done so much work on myself that I became stuck in the process.

I was stuck in the mindset of always thinking I wasn’t there yet. That I hadn’t reached the end. As if there was an end. As if the end was some perfect version of myself. My best self.

When in reality, that process of improvement is never-ending. And so while it was good to have those couple years of intense growth – I now know I need to let go and understand that I can enjoy all the work I’ve done.

I can take a breather and step into the flow. Where fun and pleasure is important too. Where I’m no longer trying to ride the wave but floating with it. I can stop trying to be my best self and I can simply – be myself.


The Start of my Reiki Journey


Inner Beauty