Isabel Marcelo

Modern Reiki Master and Intuitive Guide


I grew up in Perth, Australia with a yearning to leave.

So when I was 21, I moved to London with my best friend, Lien. We lived in a 1-bedroom East London flat and spent most of our time drinking Cuba Libres, hopping from one Dalston bar to another and having mental breakdowns. It was the best.

For most of my 20’s, I was trying to figure out my purpose. I can’t even count how many jobs I’ve had. I’ve gone through a lot of industries from retail to e-commerce to hospo to clinical… I was never afraid to quit, that’s for sure.

It wasn’t till my UK visa ran out and I moved back to Perth when clarity finally started to come to me.

But before clarity, a lot of healing had to be done.

I was depressed and anxious when I left London. I thought I had found my forever-home. I thought I’d figure out a way to stay permanently. And when I didn’t – I was heartbroken.

I felt lost – like I didn’t know who I was. I’d always been quite reflective and embraced growth. So I went through a journey of healing and delved into all sorts of practices and modalities.

Finding my purpose came from a series of small steps.

But when I got my first Reiki session done – I immediately felt at home and spent the rest of the year getting certified in Reiki.

This only amplified my intuition and sensitivity to energies. And I’ve continued expanding in this space ever since.


  • Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master